Normalization DBMS

Normalization is a process for changing large and complex data base with anomalies into small and simple data base without anomalies.

According to normalization relation or table of data base are decomposed/divided and data base is changed into simple and clear form. This decomposition is done in such a way that duplication and iteration of data is very less in database and data base is always being in stable state. By normalization produced anomalies are removed at time of performing operations by which that user prepare response very fastly with respect to data request.
We can say that normalization process shows that which attribute will be stored in a relation and which won’t be.
There are many type of anomalies in any big data base (table). Fro resolving this problem it is divided into many small completely defined relations.Normalization process is firstly shown by EF codd. It is a bottom-up approach.
Following normal forms are used in normalization process –
1. 1st NF 
2. 2nd NF
3. 3rd NF 
4. Boycee codd NF (BC NF)
5. 4th NF 
6. 5th NF 
Need of Normalization/objective of Normaloization –
By normalization process produced anomalies in data base and duplication problem is solved. With it, it being stable with respect to performed operations on data base. It means in data base only that data is stored which has quality and uniqueness. By which computer memory is effectively used. Normalization completes all the operations performed on data base with 100% accuracy and very fastly. So normalization is very essential for creating an excellent data base.

• Use and advantages of normalization – 
Following characters are used after completing normalization process in normalization database.
a. Normalized database doesn’t have data inconsistency and data redundancy.
b. Normalized data base provide clearance of all relationship and data operations.
c. SQL queries like select, delete, update etc. are completed without any restriction and very fast;y in normalized data base.
d. Normalized data base have not any anomalies so 100% accurate data response is provided with respect to user’s data request.
e. Computer memory is effectively used by normalized data base.

Characteristics / Advantages of Normalisation :-

 After successful completion of normalisation proces resultant relation R Shows following Characteristic advantages- 
(i) Normalised relation doesn't have data redundency and inconsistency problem.

(ii) Normalised relation is very simple, clear and easy to understand and it will also represent database objects and their relationships.

(iii) Normalised database returns Very fast and hundred percent accurate results against any user's query, it  means it will increase the performance of database upto several times. 

(iv) Normalised database utilizes memory space of computer.

(v) Normalised database is free from all types of Anomalies like multi attribute, partial functional dependency, Transitive functional dependency, determinant problem,
multivalue dependency (mvd) and join dependency.

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